Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Cubs Make Next Step, Sign Craig Counsell


                                             Copyright Matt Dirksen/Chicago Cubs/Getty Images

 Weeks ago, the Chicago Cubs signed former Milwaukee Brewers manager Craig Counsell to be their new manager. They fittingly made the star manager the highest-paid manager in Major League Baseball history, with a five year contract worth $40 million. This came at great shock to the baseball world, as it was all but certain the Counsell would either sign with Cleveland, New York, or stay in Milwaukee.

Counsell, who was the Brewers manager from 2015 to 2023, has been one of the most successful and respected managers in the MLB. He lead the Brewers to three division titles and five postseason appearances in his tenure. He had a 707-625 record as manager of the Brewers.

This signing is the biggest that the Cubs have done so far this offseason. They brought in a manager that is praised for his tactical use of the bullpen, measured demeanor, and his ability to close the margins and win close games. 

With Counsell now at the helm of this team, there is a lot to look forward to as a Cubs fan. The bullpen that was mismanaged in parts throughout the year now has someone who is skilled at bullpen usage, the rookies that will be coming up soon will have a manager that will be willing to give them playing time, and most importantly: there is one less thing to worry about in the National League Central for the Cubs.

 Of course, the shocking firing of David Ross can not be ignored. Seemingly out of nowhere and despite the contract extension given to Ross, Hoyer visited his home in Tennessee and broke the news to him in person. 

This firing gave a whirlwind of reactions. Many Cubs fans, especially on Twitter, were cheerful that Ross was fired and that Counsell would replace him. Others felt as if it was a stab in the back to someone who gave the team his all as both a player and a manager.

Needless to say, there are certainly parallels to this situation and the one that unfolded in 2015 with Joe Maddon replacing Rick Renteria as Cubs manager.

We are now entering a new era of Chicago Cubs baseball, and the signing of Counsell shows just that.

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Cubs Make Next Step, Sign Craig Counsell

                                               Copyright Matt Dirksen/Chicago Cubs/Getty Images  Weeks ago, the Chicago Cubs signed former M...